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What Happens in a Pre-Trial Conference in Utah?

 Posted on October 17,2024 in Criminal Defense

SLC, UT criminal defense lawyerIt is distressing to be arrested or accused of a crime, especially if it is your first time. With tensions running high, it can feel overwhelming as you try to learn about the stages of the criminal justice system, and you might have a hard time navigating your desire to be cooperative with your need to protect your rights. 

Depending on the details of your case, you might have to go through a stage called the pretrial conference, which can have a significant impact on your future. If you are facing a criminal process and have questions about what to expect, a skilled Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense attorney has answers.

What is a Pre-Trial Conference?

In misdemeanor and felony cases, the prosecutor and the defense attorney can meet outside court during what is called a pre-trial conference. They discuss the case and try to reach a deal that both can agree to in order to try to avoid going to trial. The defendant typically joins this negotiation, but it can happen without the defendant if that makes more sense for the case in question. The judge is not brought into the conversation unless the sides are unable to reach an agreement on their own.

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Four Types of Theft in Utah

 Posted on October 04,2024 in Theft

Salt Lake City theft defense lawyerIn Utah, punishments for theft are generally based on the value of what was stolen. There are several categories of theft and various penalties each could face. However, even the lowest form of theft for the smallest amount is treated seriously. Additionally, the charges can remain on your criminal record with implications that can last far into the future. Make sure you have reliable legal representation, or the consequences could be dire. This article will explain some categories of theft in Utah. If you are facing theft charges, speak with a seasoned Davis County, UT criminal defense lawyer to learn more.

Embezzlement Charges in Utah

Embezzlement is when someone steals something that they were entrusted to manage. This can be the case when someone:

  • Takes company money for personal use

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Exercising Your Right to Remain Silent in a Utah Criminal Case

 Posted on September 23,2024 in Criminal Defense

Davis County Criminal LawyerWhile the majority of Americans never went to law school, a lot of us know about our "Miranda rights" because they are mentioned on TV practically every time someone gets arrested. If you have never been hauled into a police station under investigation, you may not understand why having the right to remain silent is useful in that situation. When the police consider you a suspect, it can be stressful and overwhelming, and you might think it would be in your best interest to act overly cooperative and answer any questions you are asked. However, the Miranda rights are there for a reason, and it is important to understand how and why you should protect yourself when you are questioned. If you are facing legal trouble, contact an experienced Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense attorney for guidance.

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How Long Will I Stay on the Sex Offender Registry in Utah?

 Posted on September 11,2024 in Sex crimes

Davis County, UT sex crimes defense attorneyMost people have heard of the sex offender registry, but if you have never been charged with sex crimes before, you likely do not know exactly what it entails. When your name appears on that list, you have to abide by serious limitations to what you can do and where you can go, and your name and reputation will be associated with the crime you allegedly committed. Fortunately, names do not necessarily need to stay on the registry permanently. This article will explain what happens when you are included in the sex offender registry and when you might be removed from it. To learn more, speak with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer.

Restrictions for Sex Offenders in Utah

When you are convicted as a sex offender, you are subject to various restrictions. Some of these include:

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Parental Kidnapping in Utah Custody Battles

 Posted on August 27,2024 in Criminal Defense

UT defense lawyerWhen parents get a divorce, it is natural for each to want as much time as possible with their child. If they cannot agree, things can turn ugly fast. Custody battles can be painful for everyone involved, but if you think the other parent could pose a danger to your child, be careful about how you react. You might think you should take your child when it is the other parent’s time with them or hide your child to keep them safe, but you could be accused of parental kidnapping, which can be traumatic as well as illegal. If you are facing these accusations, speak with an experienced Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer to learn more.

What Is Parental Kidnapping?

The Utah Department of Public Safety defines parental kidnapping, also called parental abduction, as when a child younger than 16 years old is taken away from one parent or legal guardian by the other parent without custody.

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Charges for Intent to Distribute Drugs in Utah

 Posted on August 13,2024 in Drug crimes

UT defense lawyerIf you are facing charges for intent to distribute drugs in Utah, you are probably worried and uncertain about what to expect. These are serious charges that can lead to big legal problems, but understanding what they mean and how you can defend yourself can help you deal with the situation better. Below is a simple guide to help you understand these charges. If you have further questions, ask an experienced Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer.

What Does "Intent to Distribute" Mean?

When you are charged with "intent to distribute" drugs, the authorities believe you were planning on selling or giving away drugs, even if you were not caught doing that. The charge is based on the idea that you had drugs and planned on handing them over to someone else. Factors that might lead to this charge include:

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Gun Ownership Restrictions and Restraining Orders

 Posted on July 24,2024 in Criminal Defense

UT defense lawyerAccording to the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, American citizens have the right to bear arms. This is a right that is held sacred by many. People often think they are entitled to purchase and possess a gun because that is what our constitution tells us. However, the Supreme Court has ruled that if someone has a restraining order against them, their gun ownership rights can be restricted. This article will review how someone’s gun ownership can be limited. If this issue affects you personally, speak with a qualified Davis County, UT criminal defense attorney to understand your options.

Protective Orders in Utah

Protective orders, otherwise known as restraining orders, can be issued when there are accusations of sex crimes, abuse, assault, harassment, or other types of problematic conduct. If someone gets a restraining order against you, you become limited in several ways. Restrictions are placed on where you can legally go because you must stay a minimum distance from the accuser. You may be prohibited from going to or near a school, business, home, or any other location considered at risk by your alleged harmful behavior. Depending on the complaint against you and your circumstances, you might be kept away from your home and children. A restraining order also prohibits you from contacting the accuser and possibly others.

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Is It a Criminal Offense to Kiss a Minor in Utah?

 Posted on July 09,2024 in Sex crimes

UT defense lawyerA flurry of new laws in Utah has many questioning whether criminal offenders are actually being held accountable or whether these new laws are adding to mass incarceration and prison overcrowding. These new bills include longer sentences for drunk drivers and the criminalization of "lewd" actions in public places. Many of the bills enhance existing penalties and fines, expand the definition of a current crime, and create entirely new criminal offenses.

Opponents of the bills believe these new laws are nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to exaggerated concerns regarding crime and criminal offenses. The Justice Reinvestment Initiative in 2015 attempted to reduce penalties for nonviolent offenses. Part of the Initiative’s reasoning was that Utah’s jails would soon overflow if the state did not shift its focus to treatment and rehabilitation.   

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Plea Bargains in Sex Crimes Cases

 Posted on June 20,2024 in Sex crimes

UT defense lawyerBeing charged with a sex crime can be a distressing experience. Even when you know you are innocent and misunderstood, the legal authorities are convinced you are a criminal. When this happens, you need to ask yourself whether you would rather fight the charges and hope to be found innocent or enter into a plea bargain. Potential penalties for sex crime charges can be quite severe, so this is never an easy decision to make. If you are being accused of sex crimes, speak with an experienced David County, UT criminal defense lawyer to understand your options.

How Can You Decide?

The reasons why someone might choose to take a plea deal instead of pleading innocent in court vary, but some common reasons include:

  • Financial cost: Trials can be very expensive, and plea deals tend to be much less costly.
  • Lesser penalties: Plea bargains typically result in less severe charges and penalties. It is a bit of a gamble, but your options tend to be the following: go to court where you can be found innocent or guilty with charges and a sentence, or accept a plea deal where you cannot be found innocent but any charges and sentences will be much less severe. If the prosecution has a strong case against you, this can add to your motivation to accept a plea deal.

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Legal Steps If You Are Accused of Committing a Sex Crime

 Posted on June 10,2024 in Sex crimes

UT defense lawyerAccusations of sex crimes are taken extremely seriously in the state of Utah. The penalties you might face could make all the difference between living your life or suffering through it. Depending on the specifics of what you are accused of, there are several possibilities for how you might be convicted. Whether this is the first time you are accused or it has happened before, accusations of sexual crimes can have an enormous negative impact on your future and need to be dealt with appropriately. This article recommends three steps to take as soon as you are accused of committing sex crimes. If you are concerned you might be facing such accusations, speak with a trusted Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer who can explain your options and defend your rights.

Step 1: Have Zero Contact With Your Accuser

When an innocent person is told that someone has accused them of committing a sexual crime, they might think the best course of action would be to speak to the accuser to get to the bottom of it all. You need to avoid doing this at all costs. If you try to speak to your accuser, it might be interpreted by other people as an attempt to intimidate them, which could harm you in court. Additionally, the accusations might mean that you are legally banned from trying to communicate with them, and failure to comply with such prohibitions could end up making matters worse for you. Even if your accuser tries to contact you, even to apologize for falsely accusing you, make sure you have no contact with them at all.

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